Sara Holland Levin NY Times letter

Sara Levin's letter to the New York Times (see text below image)


I was disappointed to see that the article "Think Twice Before You Hit 'Post'" (by Courtney Rubin, April 11) all but discouraged vaccine-related social media posts. From a public health perspective, many people are still resistant to the idea of getting vaccinated. Whether or not we agree, is it not our responsibility to highlight the benefits and reduce the perceived risks that people in our circles might still be feeling? We have multiple friends who -- while nervous at first -- have ultimately chosen to be vaccinated. While I don't know that social media is the sole reason they chose to be vaccinated, I can't imagine it hurts. I proudly shared a photo of my first dose, and I plan to help others who might be otherwise hesitant see the benefits of vaccination until we beat this thing.

Sara Holland Levin, Providence, R.I.