Course Enrollment Guide
Need help figuring out your course enrollment for next semester?
Determine Your Remaining Academic Requirements
Step 1: View your Academic Requirements Report
Step 2: Generate your Plan of Study; select VIEW REPORT AS PDF or PLAN OF STUDY, in order to view the report in a PDF (pop-up) format.
Step 3: Interpret your Academic Requirements (or "Advisement") Report
- Guide To Reading Your Advisement Report (PDF version) - Section by Section Tutorial
Step 4: Review your Unofficial Transcript for accuracy
Major in Communication – Plan of Study (Catalog Years Prior to 2021-22)
Plan of Study for the Major in Communication (declared before Summer 2021)
1000-level Required Courses (must complete)
- COMM 1000: The Process of Communication
- COMM 1100: Principles of Public Speaking
- COMM 2600 (formerly 1300): Media in the Information Age
Research Methods Course (must complete)
- COMM 2000Q (formerly 3000Q): Research Methods in Communication
2000-level Core Courses (must complete two of three, in any order)
- COMM 2200 (formerly 3200): Interpersonal Communication
- COMM 2300 (formerly 3300): Effects of Mass Media
- COMM 2500 (formerly 3100): Persuasion
One COMM writing-intensive "W" course
Elective COMM courses (12 additional credits at 2000-level or above)*
*Students must meet all requirements listed and complete a total of 24 credits in COMM at the 2000 level or above. Additional Core or W Courses completed may be counted as an elective COMM course.
*Students are restricted to NO MORE THAN TWO elective COMM courses considered APPLIED. For a list of APPLIED courses, please check your Academic Requirements report.
Related Courses (12 credits at 2000-level or above - see pre-approved list)
Major in Communication – Plan of Study (Catalog Years 2021 to present)
Plan of Study for the Major in Communication (Catalog Year 2021-22 to present)
1000-level Required Courses (must complete BOTH)
- COMM 1000: The Process of Communication
- COMM 1100: Principles of Public Speaking
2000-level Methods Course (must complete ONE)
- COMM 2000Q (formerly 3000Q): Research Methods in Communication; or, COMM 2010Q Applied Communication Research Methods
2000-level Core Courses (must complete FOUR courses from the following, taken in any order)
- COMM 2100: Professional Communication
- COMM 2200 (formerly 3200): Interpersonal Communication
- COMM 2300 (formerly 3300): Effects of Mass Media
- COMM 2500 (formerly 3100): Persuasion
- COMM 2600 (formerly 1300 Mass Communication Systems): Media in the Information Age
- COMM 2700: Fundamentals of Digital Production
One COMM Writing-intensive "W" course
Immersion Course(s) (must complete THREE CREDITS total)
- Immersion courses include COMM 4799, 4979, 4981, 4982, 4996, 4997w, and 4999. Three credit total may be earned in one course or through multiple variable-credit Immersion courses.
- For MORE INFORMATION on COMM 4979, 4981 or 4982 (the most common options for most COMM Majors): COMM Immersion Course webpage
Elective COMM courses (9 additional credits at 2000-level or above)
Select COMM 2000+ level courses that interest you and are aligned with your professional goals: List of COMM Course Series
Note: You must meet all requirements listed and complete a total of 30 credits in COMM at the 2000 level or above. Additional Core, W, or Immersion Courses completed can count as an elective COMM course.
Related Courses (12 credits at 2000-level or above - see pre-approved list)
- Plan of Study Checklist for the Major in Communication (declared Fall 2021 to present)
- COMM Major at a Glance (Video)
- COMM Course Series - View the organization of COMM courses around the different specialty areas of study, such as Interpersonal, Strategic, and Multimedia Production.
- COMM Course Descriptions
- Pre-Approved Related Courses
- Transfer Student? COMM Transfer Credit Policy & Reevaluation Requests
Minor in Communication – Plan of Study
Click HERE for your plan of study for Catalog years prior to 2021-22
Click HERE for your plan of study for Catalog years 2021-22 to present
To Declare the Minor: Plan Program Change Request Form
Wait Listing and Permission Numbers for COMM Courses
The COMM class I want to enroll in is full: Can I still get in?
- You can add yourself to the waitlist for the COMM course IF a wait list has been set up for the course. You'll know a wait list has been set up if you see the "waitlist if class is full" option available during course enrollment. If a spot becomes available later, you will be emailed a Permission Number or directly enrolled by the wait list manager (if there is no time conflict and space in your semester course load).
- If NO waitlist option is available for a course, you will need to regularly monitor the enrollment of the class on your own and WAIT until a seat becomes available, when/if students drop the course.
Should you email the COMM course instructor to obtain a Permission Number?
- NO. Permission numbers are issued by the Department's wait list manager and will be issued only to those on the waitlist. COMM instructors do not issue permission numbers.
- For courses outside of the COMM Department, check with the department offering the course for their waitlist and permission number policy.
For additional information about Wait Lists and Permission Numbers, please see our FAQ page
CLAS General Education Requirements – Approved Course Options
- List of CLAS Approved Content Area Courses: (See Gen Ed Audit sheet on CLAS Advising site)
- Use the University Catalog to read course descriptions of the CLAS Gen Ed courses listed
- Try using the NEW Gen Ed Course Search Tool
- At the BOTTOM of the landing page, you can scroll click on the > button through different PAGES, to view search for open ENGL 1007 sections, Enviro Lit courses, Q courses, and possible elective courses.
- Need More Info? University Catalog - CLAS General Education section
Other Course Registration Help Tools
- Student Admin Help page - view holds, class search, schedule builder, etc.
- GPA Estimator
- GPA Calculator
Graduating this Semester? Apply to Graduate by the 4th Week of Semester
Follow these Steps:
Step 1 - Apply to Graduate
Step 2 - Submit your Final Plan of Study (Complete immediately after applying to graduate, IF your semester schedule is finalized!)
Find University Commencement Information For CLAS Students Here
Join us at the COMM Commencement 2025 Reception May 1 in Storrs Hall at 6:30pm.
COMM Career Prep – Undergraduate Credential in Communication
COMM Everywhere is the COMM Advising Office initiative with the two-fold purpose of helping COMM students:
- EXPLORE the diversity of career options open to them through the wide-ranging knowledge and skills acquired through coursework in Communication; and,
- ENGAGE in career preparation throughout their student journey.
The Department of Communication and COMM Advising Office host a variety of exploration and engagement programming:
- a First-Year Experience COMM Learning Community (UNIV 1810) specifically for COMM Majors, featuring CliftonStrengths assessment-based activities to help students discover their greatest talents and understand how to use them to achieve academic, career, and personal success;
- Collaborating with the Center for Career Development, COMM Careers Events and professionalization activities that are embedded in the COMM course curriculum, as well as extracurricular;
- Through COMM Career Events, network with COMM alumni working in a variety of fields in Communication and in diverse industries, or find a mentor through the Husky Mentor Network;
- Experiential learning opportunities through COMM 4981 Internship in Communication, COMM 4982 Research Practicum, and senior year programming; and,
- Credential in Communication, to highlight your mastery of competencies and practical skills obtained through a particular grouping of advanced COMM coursework.
Contact Information
Kathryn D’Antonio –
WebEX Meeting Room:
Phone in: US Toll (through WebEX, room 644 100 565)
José (Joel) Nebres –
WebEX Meeting Room:
Phone in: US Toll (through WebEX, room 644 625 203)
Office Location: Arjona Building, ARJ245
Phone: (860) 486-3687
General Questions? Please contact one of the advisors listed above.
The COMMuniqué Advising Office Newsletter
Want to be updated on the latest news about the COMM Major?
Upcoming COMM Career events? Internships and Job Opportunities?
Get Added to the COMM Undergrad Listserv!
Applications & Forms
Registrar's Forms (to Add/Drop, or go to Pass-Fail Option, etc.)
CLAS Online Program Change (To declare a CLAS Major or a Minor)
NEW COMM Minor Plan of Study (Catalog year 2021-22 and following. Once declared, the Minor plan of study can be submitted online in Student Admin, when you submit your Final Plan of Study.)
OLD COMM Minor Plan of Study (Catalog Year prior to 2021-22)
Course Planning Worksheet (Fillable PDF)
COMM 4981 Internship Course Enrollment Application (To Earn Credit for a COMM-Related Internship)
COMM 4982 Enrollment Request (To enroll in Research Practicum)
COMM 4982 Recording Hours (To record hours for Research Practicum)
COMM 4982 Contract (For each Research Practicum project)